Freedom + Inner Healing + Mindset + Personal Image Coaching
I salute you for taking control of your life and having the courage to step up to
your dreams and into your destiny!

I guide women aged 30 and older to embrace freedom, overcome trauma, establish a positive mindset, and polish their authentic personal style. I can help you too!

I’m committed to the personal development of women who are looking to polish up their “image” act from the inside and out.

Imagine What Life Would Look Like For You

—Discovering your dreams, working a sensible plan of action,
and living the life you’ve imagined on a whole new level.

Even after we’re adults, we still need nurturing, to be affirmed, celebrated, and validated. There are times when we need a personal cheering section, a sounding board, or a fresh voice and perspective when we feel stuck, bewildered, and challenged

Let’s Work to Achieve This & More!

  • Freedom

    Examining where and how you became stuck is only the first step. You will need a compass on how to release yourself from constricting situations, relationships, and emotions. No matter who are you, learn to make yourself a priority with Coach Gwen’s guidance to liberty!

  • Inner Healing

    The decision to love yourself involves many variables. When you diligently work through childhood issues, old situations, and past traumas, you embark on a journal of emotional honesty, healing, and harmony. Coach Gwen has traveled this road extensively, and will help you!

  • Mindset

    This can be the most challenging task, but with Coach Gwen’s help, she can help you to choose positivity and gain control of your thoughts and attitude no matter what’s happening around you. You can live a joyful and optimistic life with Coach Gwen‘s guidance.

  • Personal Image

    Nothing is as vital as how you look and feel about YOU! If you feel like you don’t look your best, your confidence plummets and you let opportunities pass you by. Coach Gwen will help you choose clothing that brings out the best in you, polishing every step you take.

The outside cannot shine until the inside is fully illuminated.

~Coach Gwen

Hi, I’m Coach Gwen!

Coach Gwen, a Black woman smiling with yellow shirt

I partner with individuals who have a desire to live life freely with confidence, joy & peace! If you are tired of feeling stuck and want a makeover from the inside out, to change your perspective, give you clarity, & a rejuvenated spirit then contact me, a certified life coach. Stop thinking about your change & start participating in the process of your own success. Work with me to identify your focus, set SMART milestones, & gain momentum. Contact me to begin your FRESH START today!

I am an experienced and certified life coach, trainer, public speaker, and author who specializes in guiding women to success with personal fulfillment. I have over 8 years of expertise in providing clarity, image consulting, and self-improvement.

My coaching practice is committed to the personal development of women who are looking to achieve their goals. As your Life Coach, I will support you to look within to find the answers and offer you accountability throughout the process. Life coach services are mainly offered via telephone and are tailored to fit your needs.


Schedule a Call

  • If you're tired of being depressed, lacking motivation, and freedom

  • If you are feeling stuck and need sound advice for new opportunities

  • If you want to eliminate the things in your life that are draining you & identify things that provide energy

  • If you desire supportive relationships

  • If you are fearful but want to embark on a new journey - any new journey will do!

  • If you need firm accountability for a new schedule and personal action steps

Become a Coach!

Learn how to turn your passion into a thriving full or part-time business. Upon successful completion of our 8-week course, you will have certifications in the following three areas: Life, Success, and Empowerment.

Be on your way to a life-changing and rewarding career! You can help others:

  • Take greater responsibility and accountability for actions and commitments

  • Work more easily and productively with others (boss, direct reports, peers)

  • Communicate more effectively, be more self-reliant, or increase life satisfaction

Whether it’s in your career, business, or ministry, each client is equipped with maps, tools, tips & strategies to find internal treasures and discover their best selves.